Managing Stress Limit Anxiety Triggers – How to manage the stress


There’s a belief out there that anxiety disorders are not all that detrimental to your well-being. Essentially, the premise for this thought is that not only are the conditions easily managed, but they are almost always treatable. Unfortunately, the reality of this is that most people who suffer from a diagnosed anxiety disorder will likely deal with it and its recurring symptoms for the better part of their life. While you might not ever fully rid yourself of the condition, this doesn’t mean that you can’t do whatever you’re able to in order to limit the symptoms from occurring as often.

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Reduce your Stress, Reduce your Anxiety

Throughout this article, you will be introduced to a few tips that will help you to approach your life in a new and (hopefully) calmer way. The less stress and anxiety that you are welcoming into your daily life, the less flare ups of your condition that will likely result. While these are by no means guaranteed to limit how often your symptoms arise, it stands to reason that employing these might improve your overall quality of life regardless. Without further ado, let’s get into some of the top tips for limiting your stresses and potential anxiety triggers.

#1. Start With Positivity

Negativity can really do a lot to agitate an existing condition of a social disorder. With that in mind, there are plenty of ways that you can work towards having a more positive outlook in general. This will make it less likely that some of the present triggers might affect you as directly.

It is believed that just laughing on a regular basis is a strong way to avert triggers in general. So take in a comedy flick, a performance of some stand up, or just share some company with someone that is sure to bring a smile to your face. The more positive your overall outlook, the less stress that you are allowing to affect you.

#2. Don’t Judge Yourself For Your Anxiousness or Fear

There is a temptation that people who don’t fully understand their anxiety disorder to belittle themselves and their own feelings. While it might seem foreign and strange, this is actually very detrimental to the overall stress levels that you will carry around with you. This, like the first part of this list, will invite negativity into your mind and will make the triggers of your symptoms easier to affect you.

Speaking to a trained professional can help you to wrap your head around your fears and nervousness, without leaving you feeling as though your mindset isn’t justified.

#3. Find A Trusted Friend To Talk To

Speaking to someone that you can trust is going to be a huge part of helping yourself to manage stress as it presents itself in your life. The more that you are able to manage this stress, the less likely that you are going to have flare ups of your symptoms. A trusted friend means someone that is meant to help you to process your feelings and your concerns, but also help you to find a constructive means of managing that incoming stress and channeling it in a healthy and constructive way.

Typically, this person is going to be your spouse or your partner, though if you don’t have the kind of relationship where you can talk about your feelings, than this might not be the best shoulder to lean on through this trying time.

#4. Clean House In Your Social Life

Social anxiety itself a trigger to your more complex disorders, and so it is a good idea to try and assess your social life in a real way as you look to navigate yourself around things that could prove to be triggers for you in the future. This might start with those people that you have in your life that might not always have your best interests at heart. Worse yet, the people that you have in your life that consistently bring you down in one way or another. Negative influences are only going to cause you problems in the long run, and it’s better to just cut your losses and move on with the positive people that you have remaining in your social circle.

#5. Find Engaging Tasks That Sharpen Your Mind

There is something to be said about not having an idle mind when you are trying to juggle an excessive amount of stress. The more engaged that your mind can be, especially when you aren’t actively doing something that typically induces stress for you, can prevent your mind from drifting towards and being weighed down by the enormous gravity of your work/relationship/school demands.

When you are looking for tasks that can occupy your mind and keep it sharp and devoid of the weighty stresses of your normal life, a few suggestions come to mind. Escape rooms offer a fun outing for the night in your area, but they also allow for puzzle after puzzle with the euphoric feelings of victory associated with each completed step towards exiting the room in the allotted time.

#6. Exercise And Get Fit

While there are benefits to pursuing meditation and yoga regiments, especially when it comes to GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), but exercise in general is a great way to alleviate stress. This allows you to be actively engaged in something that will remove your mind from the stresses of your daily life, but routinely exercising is also known to release certain chemicals in your brain that give you a generally happy feeling and allow you to have a better outlook about your life in general.

Taking some of these tips and employing them in your daily life isn’t going to change your condition overnight. In fact, these are strategies that you have to be working into your routine as new habits to take place of behaviors that might have led you down a path towards a trigger. While you might never be completely free of an anxiety disorder, with time, you might find that you can better manage the frequency of your symptoms through some of these above listed tips.