The Best Way To Pass A Drug Test

Drug Test Health

The first thing that will help you pass a drug test is understanding and accepting the fact that the testing technology for drug test kits has advanced so much, that it has become extremely difficult to cheat so you can beat the test. You also need to know the last-ditch techniques that will give you the be chance to out-smart the testing devices, but also your rights, in case something goes wrong.

Here are the best ways to pass a drug test, if you are even in need:

Prepare yourself

It is important to let enough time between the day of the testing and the last day you’ve used drugs so that your chances increase significantly. Don’t rely only on alternative methods, especially if you have enough time until you get tested, as they might be ineffective.

Learn about the type of test you have to take

There are four main types of drug tests: urine, blood, saliva, and hair. It is important to know how you will be tested, so you can have a clear idea of how you should proceed.

Knowing what to choose

The cases in which you are allowed to choose what type of test you want to go through, are rare, but if it happens, you should know the characteristics of each of them, and your chances of success.

Passing a urine drug test

There are a few methods that must be followed so that you increase the chances of passing this test. You need to start drinking a lot of water, 24 hours before the test, so you can dilute your urine, and it is crucial to urinate as much as possible so that you flush away the vast majority of the drug metabolites. Another great way to pass this drug test is by using synthetic urine or a sample of clean urine from a friend.

Passing a saliva or blood drug test

In case you have the chance of postponing this type of test, you should take advantage and use this opportunity. The vast majority of drugs will be eliminated from your system after a minimum of 3 days, so delaying is a perfect solution. In case you are the one that holds the swab, don’t rub it against the cheeks and gum, but rather rub it on the teeth, as they don’t contain that much saliva. You should also brush your teeth as often as you can, stop smoking at least 48 hours before the test and eat a fatty meal at least 1 hour in advance because it will help absorb the drugs.

Passing a hair drug test

It is very difficult to pass a hair drug test, as the hair follicles contain as much as 3 months of data stored. One of the best methods you can use is to shave your hair completely, 5 days before the test, as it will grow from that point on, and on the day of the test, it will be free of drugs. You can also use different detoxification products, including a detox shampoo, but you must be careful not to buy the cheapest one on the market, as it will have no effect.