How to Eat Fast Food Without Gaining Weight


We’ve all heard about the boring, ho-hum ways you can eat healthy at fast food restaurants. “Choose salads over burgers”, they say. “Add a side of fruit instead of fries”, they say. I don’t know about you, but the first thing I think of when I hear the word McDonalds is a Big Mac, fries, and a soda. Salads are the last thing on my mind. So how can you eat at your favorite burger joint and still fit into you jeans in the morning? It all has to do with how much you eat.

Let’s take a look at how many calories is in your average McDonalds lunch. A Big Mac has 540 calories. Add 500 calories for a large order of fries plus a large soda with around 310 calories. Okay, let’s add all this up. Bring down the 3, carry the one…oh my. Are you sitting down? You’re looking at 1350 calories for one meal. That’s more calories than some people eat in an entire day! The gaining of the weight will be less in comparison to losing with resurge pills. The burning of the calories and fat will be effective for the reduction of the weight. It will decrease the chances of fall sick and danger to the life of the patients. The charges will be concerned with the budget of the person. 


Don’t panic! This doesn’t mean that you have to avoid McDonalds like a bad mother-in-law. There is a way to have your burger and eat it too. We just need to make a few changes.

First, let’s take a look at the burger. A Big Mac is only one of many burger options at McDonalds. You can save yourself around 100 calories by ordering a Double Cheese Burger. Go with the standard small hamburger and you can save almost 290 calories! However, if you can’t stand to part with your precious Big Mac, try removing the middle bun and wiping off some (not all) of the special sauce. I promise, you won’t miss a thing.

Next up is the fries. In all of their salty gloriousness, it’s no wonder they are America’s favorite side item. The health experts warn us to stay away from these golden jewels because they’re loaded with fat and calories. They encourage us to choose apple wedges instead of fries. Hamburgers and fries go together like Batman and Robin. Hamburgers and apple wedges go together like… Batman and SpongeBob! Sure, each is great in its own right, but it’s just not something you really want to pair up. The best way to get your “fry-fix” and save calories is to order a smaller size. Remember, a large order of fries carries 500 calories. By switching to the 230 calorie smaller order, you’ve saved yourself 270 calories!

Finally, we take a look at the beverage. This is probably the easiest change to make. Oh yes, you know what I’m about to suggest…diet soda. Wait, wait, just hear me out. Honestly, how much thought do you really give to what you are drinking with lunch? Sure, diet sodas taste different, but you have to embrace their difference. Don’t think of a Diet Coke as a substitute for a regular Coke. Think of it as its own drink with its own unique flavor. Sure, it takes some getting used to, but in the end your hips will thank you. If you can’t fathom downing the diet stuff, have a large cup of water with your meal. Either way, you’ll save yourself a whopping 310 calories!

So, we have traded in our Big Mac for a Double Cheese Burger, our large fry for a small one, and we are pinching our noses and trying a Diet Coke for the first time ever. Our calorie count for this McDonalds lunch is…drum roll please…670 calories!

See, by making a few small changes, you can shave 680 calories off your lunch and your hips and not feel one bit deprived. America, we can have our burger and eat it too!